You can meet me in the main international shows, Tucson, Ste-Marie-aux-Mines, Munich, Tokyo, and as exhibitor in the following  :


- Paris : March 5-7,  2021  cancelled and reported to November 5 - 7, 2021

- Millau : July 23-25, 2021 

- Montpellier : October 2-3, 2021

ml-mineraux - Paris Mineral Show 2019
ml-mineraux - Paris Mineral Show 2019
ml-mineraux - Tucson Mineral Show 2020
ml-mineraux - Tucson Mineral Show 2020

Point de vente : 

Galerie ML Collections

28, rue Droite

12100 - Millau

                      Siret : 382 225 217 00050


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