Story of a passion

As a teenager, I "fell in love" with minerals while visiting the Millau Mineral Show and since, this passion has never felt me.

The thirst of travels, the pleasure of discoveries and meetings with collectors led me later to make this passion my job.

Completely self-taught, I trained through prospecting in France, Australia, Spain and many other countries.


Quartz found in the Dauphiné, famous french locality, financed my first great adventure : a 6- month trip to Australia with my boy friend, a trip entirely devoted to the search of abandoned sites and mines.

The jackpot was the discovery of an old crocoïte mine in Tasmania whose galleries disappeared under huge ferns and the opening of a very big pocket after several days of hard work. A few decades later, I still remember the emotion I felt when I saw these fine red crystals in the light of my headlamp.


Each deposit, each mine brought its share of joy or disappointment but, by the end of the trip, we had collected many minerals species : molybdenites and erythrites from Queensland, axinites and crocoïtes from Tasmania, smoky quartz from Victoria, azurites and stilbites from South Australia, malachites from North Territory, Coober Pedy and White Cliff opals, Broken Hill rhodonites and garnets and may other minerals ...


After 6 months collecting our own minerals with the pleasure of a wild life, the Australian Outback had no secret for us.

Later, I spent time also in other countries : Namibia, Mexico, Peru, Romania, Madagascar, Morocco ...


Going to the source, finding beautiful minerals, sharing the emotion of these discoveries with the collectors has always been at the heart of my priorities and has led me to travel to the main French and international mineral shows.


Behind every mineral, there is a story to tell.

This website is a way of presenting you my aesthetic approach in the choice of the minerals.


Enjoy it !


Point de vente : 

Galerie ML Collections

28, rue Droite

12100 - Millau

                      Siret : 382 225 217 00050


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